Paint The City Green


What distinguishes Green City projects from other urban revitalization efforts also striving to ameliorate environmental concerns?

We can help answer this timely question with the aid of a diagram that shows what can be seen as the major areas of Green City activities including its surrounding context – Living-In-Place.

The most useful starting place for a transformed and regenerative view of a city is to recognize the particular bioregion in which it is located. A bioregion is defined by the unique natural characteristics that occur throughout a particular geographic area, such as climate, landforms, watersheds, soils, native plants and animals, and other valuable and, often, subtle features. And the everyday activities of bioregionalism can be understood as living-in-place or rehabilitation.

It is hard to overstate the importance of living-in-place as it provides the cultural context for
integrating primary activities that enhance the livability of cities while reconnecting
neighborhoods to the ecological fortitude of local watershed life. The daily engagements and responsibilities of living-in-place anchor Green City activities in the personal and community lifestyles that restore and sustain local living ecosystems. From this vantage point, living-in-place is a cultural effort which soon extends to the necessities of life and the economic and technological choices for meeting them on a human scale and in a reciprocal relationship with the natural world. And it is living-in-place that allows whole communities to resist the nefarious temptations of growth for growth’s sake knowing that there are other values for what a prosperous community can be. To read more download:

