After Industrial Development, What?

Crow Woman Gives Birth to a Restored Planet

George Tukel and Carol Zaloom

Evolving past the western industrial economy is now a realistic possibility, necessitated by disappearing species and extreme weather. Ecological renewal can rest upon properly scaled community designs and appropriate technologies and be the occasion for the celebration and rewards of mutual aid and reciprocity.

Crow Woman shows the way.

This publication is best read by setting the Page View to “Two Page” and “Show Cover Page Separately”.

Click on image to read Crow Woman’s story


Vanishing Ice

An Exploration of Two Crises:

As Seen Through the Retreat of the Portage, Worthington, and Exit Glaciers

by George Tukel and Michael Jank.

Receding glaciers are one of the most direct ways to gauge the warming of the environment and the accelerating extinction of species.

Vanishing Ice is a lyrical exploration of these two crises while offering an alternative: We can understand our activities as essential and necessary parts of regional ecologies and their on-going vitality.

This publication is best read by setting the Page View to “Two Page” and “Show Cover Page Separately”.



For Ecological Renewal and Appropriate Technology

by George Tukel and Michael Jank

By exchanging industrial sources of guiding values for wild ones, community designs and restoration efforts can instill the attributes of mature healthy ecosystems into our managed environments making them more resilient and beautiful.

Lessons from Wild Places offers ideas and examples of how this transition can be accomplished.

This publication is best read by setting the Page View to “Two Page” and “Show Cover Page Separately”.

Click on image to read Lessons from Wild Places