Devonian Fossils from the
Paleozoic Era

These stunning photographs of trilobites, brachiopods, coral molds, rostroconches and other extinct creatures by Art Murphy are a humbling reminder that many, many lives have preceded ours in the place that we call home, and that the past, no matter how impossibly distant, is still with us, an indissoluble part of our shared narrative. Hiking through these woods and mountains, we also traverse a vanished landscape—vanished but for these shapely traces in stone—that is every bit as rich and beautiful as the one made famous by the painters of the Hudson River School.
—Mikhail Horowitz


All Photography copyright Art Murphy

Rostroconch Mold

Rostroconch Mold

Devonian Shard

Devonian Shard

Brachiopod Molds

Brachiopod Molds

Rugose Coral Molds with Trilobite Pygidium

Rugose Coral Molds with Trilobite Pygidium

Brachiopod Molds (Protoleptostrophia perplana and Mucrospirifer mucrospirifer)

Brachiopod Molds (Protoleptostrophia perplana and Mucrospirifer mucrospirifer)

Tabulate Coral (Cladopora)

Tabulate Coral (Cladopora)

Partial Trilobite Skeleton (Phacops cristata)

Partial Trilobite Skeleton (Phacops cristata)